Development of a Virtual Reality Book in the Biology Course in the Topic of Bio-Diversity for Mathayom Suksa VI Students in Schools under the Secondary Education Service Area Office 8

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Kanjana Viwatrungrueangdee
Sunsanee Sungsunanun
Taweewat Watthanakuljaroen


                This study aimed to develop a virtual reality book in a biology course in the topic of bio-diversity on the pre-determined efficiency criterion, and study the students' learning progress and satisfaction on the developed book. The research sample consisted of 35 Mathayom Suksa VI students studying in the first semester of the 2018 academic year in Nongree Pracha Nimit School under the Secondary Education Service Area Office 8, obtained by multi-stage random sampling. The employed research instruments comprised a virtual reality book in the biology course in the topic of bio-diversity, two parallel forms of an achievement test for pre-testing and post-testing, and a questionnaire on the student's satisfaction towards the developed virtual reality book. Statistics used for data analysis were the E1/E2 efficiency index, mean, standard deviation, and t-test.  Research findings showed that the developed virtual reality book in the biology course in the topic of bio-diversity was efficient at 80.26/80.77, 80.90/81.03, and 80.64/80.77, respectively, thus meeting the set 80/80 efficiency criterion. Students learning from the reality book achieved significant learning progress at the .05 level. Besides, the students were satisfied with the developed reality book at the highest level.

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