Effects of the Co-op Co-op Techniques Using Task Management Tools on Commitment to Work of Lower Secondary School Students

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Jariyaporn Sawaspoon
Noawanit Songkram


                The objectives of this study were 1) to compare the levels of commitment to work of students before and after learning with the Co-op Co-op techniques using task management tools, and 2) to compare the levels of commitment to work of students after learning with the Co-op Co-op techniques using task management tools and those after learning with the Co-op Co-op techniques. The samples comprised 54 Mathayom Suksa 2 students of Singhawittayakom School, Nang Rong district, Buri Ram province, studying in the second semester of the 2018 academic year, obtained by multistage random sampling.  These students were then divided into 2 groups of 27 students in each. The research instruments included (1) learning management plans based on the Co-op Co-op techniques using task management tools and learning management plans based on the Co-op Co-op techniques, (2) task management tools, (3) a questionnaire on commitment to work, and (4) an observation form for assessing commitment to work behaviors. The data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The results revealed that 1) the average scores of commitment to work of students before and after learning with the  Co-op Co-op techniques using task management tools were different at the .05 level of statistical significance, 2)  the average scores of commitment to work after learning of the students in both groups were different at the .05 level of statistical significance, and 3) the average score of work commitment behaviors of the students learning with the  Co-op Co-op techniques using task management tools was 4.25, indicating a good level.

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