Development of Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Instructional Model Based on Collaborative Learning for Learners with Different Learning Styles

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Sirikanya Maneenil
Sasichaai Tanamai


        This research aims to 1) develop Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) instructional model; 2) create a lesson on MOOC; and 3) study the results of using MOOC instructional model. The population comprised 306 students registered and conducted educational activities in the Basic Infographic course offered on the Thai MOOC website ( for six weeks. The research instruments were 1) lessons on MOOC, 2) a learning achievement test, and 3) an evaluation form to assess the satisfaction of learner with MOOC instructional model.  Data were analyzed using the percentage, mean, and standard deviation.  The research findings show that 1) MOOC instructional model consists of three main components which are: (a) input factors which consist of six issues, namely, learner’s learning-style analysis, content analysis, instructional activity design, MOOC design, learning resources, and learning tool analysis, (b) the process which consists of three main steps, namely, preparing, teaching, and review and testing, and (c) outputs which consist of three issues, namely, learning achievement, participation in learning activities, and satisfaction; the quality of MOOC instructional model was at the highest level (M = 4.57); 2) the quality of MOOC was at the highest level
(M = 4.63) with efficiency of 77.00/76.33; and 3) regarding the results of using MOOC instructional model, it is found that (a) on learning achievement, the learners have the mean score of 35.82; (b) on participation in learning activities, the learners have the mean score of 41.47, with the learners in the creative thinking analysis group having the highest mean score of 42.13; also, the learners are satisfied with MOOC instructional system at the high level, with the satisfaction rating mean of 4.45.

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