Development of an Instructional Activity Package on Thai Literature Using Values Clarification Process to Promote Honesty of Lower Secondary School Students

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Ati-on Tanyakarn
Wipawan Wongsuwan Kongpow


                The objectives of this study were 1) to develop an instructional activity package on Thai literature using values clarification process to promote honesty of lower secondary school students, and 2) to study results of experimenting the developed instructional activity package. The participants were 40  Mathayom Suksa II students in one of the large size schools in Bangkok Metropolis,obtained by cluster random sampling. The research instruments included a Thai literature instructional activity package using values clarification process, and honesty measurement form. The statistics used for data analysis were the mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The research finding revealed that: 1) The instructional activity package consisted of 4 components: (1) an instructional activity manual, (2) learning management plans covering 4 sets of activities; Set 1 Better to die than to lie., Set 2 Honesty is the best policy. Set 3 Honesty, and Set 4 Honest words of true people, (3) instructional materials, and (4) an assessment form, and 2)the results of using an instructional activities package indicated that the students’ post-learning score on honesty was statically higher than the pre-learning counterpart score set the 0.5 level of significance.

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How to Cite
Tanyakarn, A.- on, & Wongsuwan Kongpow, W. (2020). Development of an Instructional Activity Package on Thai Literature Using Values Clarification Process to Promote Honesty of Lower Secondary School Students. STOU Education Journal, 13(2), 75–88. retrieved from
Research Article


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