Development of an Online Individual Counseling Program for Decreasing Psychological Problems among Undergraduate Students with Dropout Tendency in Distance Education System

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Jirasuk Suksawat


                The objectives of this research were to (1) study psychological problems, and the needs for an online counseling program for decreasing psychological problems among undergraduate students with dropout tendency in the distance education system; and (2) develop an online individual counseling program.  The research process was divided into two stages.  In the first stage, the research samples comprised 154 undergraduate students with dropout tendency from all schools and all year levels of Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University.  In the second stage, the research samples consisted of 40 undergraduate students with dropout tendency who had moderate scores in all aspects of psychological problems and met the specified criteria. They were randomly assigned to an experimental group and a control group, each consisting of 20 students. The employed research instruments were (1) a questionnaire on the needs for a counseling program; (2) a scale to assess psychological problems, with the overall reliability coefficient of .95; (3) a counseling program, with quality assessment scores at the good to excellent levels; and (4) a questionnaire on satisfaction with the counseling program.  Statistics employed for data analysis were the percentage, mean, standard deviation, Wilcoxon test, and t-test. Research findings revealed that (1) the sample students with dropout tendency had high to severe levels of psychological problems. The majority of them needed an online individual psychological counseling program through faceless chatting and web messaging, and (2) the developed online individual counseling program was available through the website: The counseling program provided four online psychology services, taking 45-60 minutes each time in the 3 step process- the beginning step, the operation step, and the termination step. After receiving the online individual counseling program, the experimental group students rated their overall satisfaction with the counseling program at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Suksawat, J. (2020). Development of an Online Individual Counseling Program for Decreasing Psychological Problems among Undergraduate Students with Dropout Tendency in Distance Education System. STOU Education Journal, 13(2), 58–74. Retrieved from
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