Learning Management via Professional Learning Community (PLC) in Phuket Rajabhat University Demonstration School, Primary Section

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Somkiat Sadjarak
Nipon Boriwatanan
Adul Nakaro
Aimorn Naklong
Suwicha Wiriyamanuwong
Natchadarat Na Nakhon


The purposes of this research were to (1) study the process of learning management via Professional Learning Community (PLC), (2) study the effects of learning management via PLC, and (3) study problems and obstacles of learning management via PLC in Phuket Rajabhat University Demonstration School, Primary Section. The target groups included 24 students who were representatives of low learning achievement student groups (from 3 community), 28 teachers, 2 school administrators and 5 lecturers from the University. The employed research tools were a participatory observation form, and an in-depth interview form. The research data was analyzed with content analysis. The research results were as follows: (1) the process of learning management via PLC consisted of the planning step (Plan), the practice step (Do), and the outcome reflection step (See); (2) the effects of learning management via PLC were as follows: the teachers gained more knowledge and understanding of the context of the courses they were teaching; they had learned and shared experiences with their colleagues; they were more confident to express ideas; they were interested in new teaching techniques; they had performed their work with more enthusiasm; they were committed to the mission of the organization; and they happily worked together in teams; the students, on the other hand, gained more knowledge and understanding of the contents they had learned; they had thought, spoken, and practiced; they had participated in learning activities; and they had been more interested, enthusiastic, and enjoyable in their learning; and (3) the problems and obstacles of learning management via PLC were the following: the lack of technological equipment in the classroom for making learning more interesting; the lack of budget for purchasing materials for production of instructional media; the school administrators having limited time in monitoring, follow up and supervise the work performance including participation in observation of teaching, and reflection of what had been learned resulting in the learning management via PLC being not continuous and less efficient. 

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How to Cite
Sadjarak, S., Boriwatanan, N., Nakaro, A., Naklong, A., Wiriyamanuwong, S., & Na Nakhon, N. (2021). Learning Management via Professional Learning Community (PLC) in Phuket Rajabhat University Demonstration School, Primary Section. STOU Education Journal, 14(1), 15–28. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/edjour_stou/article/view/247942
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