Design and Development of School Readiness Enhancing Program of First Grade Students Using Design Based Research

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Chanasorn Nimnual
Panutsorn Jaruchainiwat
Suwimon Wongwanich


          The purposes of this research were to design, develop and study the results of implementing the school readiness enhancing program of First Grade students using the design-based research. The sample for this study consisted of 29 First Grade students and their parents, as well as two First Grade teachers. The research procedure was divided into three phases for a total of 38 weeks: phase one was the study of the users’ experience; phase two was the design of the program's principles and prototype; and phase three was the implementation of the program’s prototype. The data were collected using a school readiness evaluation form, and an evaluation form to assess the teacher's roles and the parent's roles in promoting school readiness. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test and content analysis. The research findings indicated that (1) regarding the study of the users’ experience, it was found that the teachers and parents lacked guidelines for enhancing school readiness of First Grade students leading to the program procedure consisting of (1.1) the procedure for enhancing school readiness at school; (1.2) the procedure for enhancing school readiness at home; and (1.3)  the procedure for coordinating the cooperation from parents; the three procedures were undertaken in parallel with each other covering the total of 95 hours; and (2) regarding the results of implementing the program, it was found that (2.1) all aspects of the post-implement school readiness of the students were significantly higher than all of their counterpart aspects of the pre-implement school readiness at the .05 level of statistical significance; (2.2) all post-implement roles of the teachers for enhancing the students’ school readiness were significantly higher than all of their counterpart pre-implement roles at the .05 level of statistical significance; and (2.3) all post-implement roles of the parents for enhancing the students’ school readiness were significantly higher than all of their counterpart pre-implement roles at the .05 level of statistical significance.

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How to Cite
Nimnual, C., Jaruchainiwat, P., & Wongwanich, S. (2022). Design and Development of School Readiness Enhancing Program of First Grade Students Using Design Based Research. STOU Education Journal, 15(1), 50–65. Retrieved from
Research Article


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