The Development of Board Games for Promoting Ecoliteracy for Grade 10 Students

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Pharichat Chincharoen
Sureeporn Sawangmek
Maliwan Nakkuntod


         The purposes of this research were to 1) develop board games for promoting ecoliteracy for grade 10 students with the criteria 75/75, 2) study the effects of the board games implementation on students’ecoliteracy, and 3) study students’ opinions towards learning with the board games. The sample was 38 grade 10 students from one of the large secondary schools in Nakhon Sawan Province in the academic year 2020 obtained by cluster random sampling. The research instruments consisted of 1) three board games for promoting ecoliteracy 2) an ecoliteracy test and 3) a questionnaire of students’ opinions towards learning with the board games. The data analysis included the mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The results showed that: 1) the efficacy of the board games for promoting ecoliteracy was at 77.82/79.89  which was significantly higher than the set criteria 2) after implementing the board game, the   grade 10 students’ ecoliteracy score was significantly higher than the prior score and the (75%) criteria at the .05 level of statistical significance, and 3) the overall score of students’ opinions towards learning with the board games was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Chincharoen, P., Sawangmek, S., & Nakkuntod, M. (2022). The Development of Board Games for Promoting Ecoliteracy for Grade 10 Students. STOU Education Journal, 15(1), 85–99. Retrieved from
Research Article


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