The Scenario Development of Local Educational Administration in the Form of a City Municipality

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Sunita Yingcharoensomsuk
Sinchai Suwanmanee
Rungchatdaporn Vehachart
Suntaree Wannapairo


       This research aimed to develop the scenario of local educational administration in the form of a city municipality using a future research methodology. The research process was divided into 2 phases: the first phase of research was the study of trends and the scenario of local educational administration in the form of a city municipality. The informants included 21 experts and the research instrument used was a semi-structured interview. The second phase was the development scenario of local educational administration in the form of a city municipality derived from a compilation of opinions from 21 experts using the Delphi Technique. The findings of the study revealed that the scenario of local educational administration in the form of a city municipality comprised 8 scenario issues and 123 trends, namely 1) system and educational administration of local administrative organizations; 2) administrative quality (at a national/provincial/municipal level); 3) quality of teachers and educational personnel; 4) learner quality; 5)  curriculum/courses; 6) media, equipment, innovation, and educational technology; 7) learning society; and 8) educational network.

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How to Cite
Yingcharoensomsuk, S., Suwanmanee, S., Vehachart, R., & Wannapairo, S. (2022). The Scenario Development of Local Educational Administration in the Form of a City Municipality. STOU Education Journal, 15(1), 149–167. Retrieved from
Research Article


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