Needs and Guidelines for Competency Development of Mathematic Teachers under Tak Primary Educational Service Area Office 2

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Piyanat Jaryseranee
Sathiraporn Chaowachai


        The purpose of this research was to study the needs assessment and the guidelines of competency of mathematics teachers’ development under Tak Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. There were two steps of the research, the first step was to study the needs of competency of mathematics teacher by using the questionnaire with 152 mathematic teachers from Tak Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The data was analyzed by means, standard derivation and arranged priority by modified priority needs index (PNI modified ). The second step was to study the guidelines of competency of mathematics teachers’ development under Tak Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The data was collected by interviewing 5 qualified experts and analyzed by using content analysis. The results were shown: 1) the study of needs index (PNI modified ) of competency of mathematics teachers under Tak Primary Educational Service Area Office 2  was found that the Curriculum Development aspect and the planning of learning management aspect were at the highest score of the priority needs index, followed by the learning management for mathematical skills and processes aspects, and the assessment for learning aspects, respectively; 2) the study of guidelines of competency of mathematics teachers’ development under Tak Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 was found that the Educational Service Office should organize the seminars and workshops to improve the competency of mathematics teachers.; and mathematics teachers should also study and exchange knowledge at the Professional Learning Community (PLC) to develop skills competency.

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How to Cite
Jaryseranee, P., & Chaowachai, S. (2022). Needs and Guidelines for Competency Development of Mathematic Teachers under Tak Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. STOU Education Journal, 15(1), 134–148. Retrieved from
Research Article


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