Development of Program to Enhance Adjustment and Financial Literacy Using Problem-Based Learning Approach for First-Year Dormitory Students Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University

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Rattanawat Penrattanahiran


The objectives of this research were to: 1) develop a program to enhance adjustment and financial literacy using problem-based learning approach for first -year dormitory students faculty of education, Chiang Mai Rajabhat university and 2) study the results of using a program to enhance adjustment and financial literacy using problem-based learning approach for first-year dormitory students faculty of education, Chiang Mai Rajabhat university. The sample consists of 30 first-year students selected through voluntary sampling. This research is a research and development study. The research tools employed in this study include: 1) Adjustment and financial literacy scale and 2) The program to enhancing adjustment and financial literacy based on problem-based learning. Statistics for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The research finding were as follows: the program to enhance adjustment and financial literacy using problem-based learning approach for first -year dormitory students consists of 6 components: 1) main idea 2) objectives 3) duration 4) media and materials 5) process and 6) evaluation. The program consisted of 12 activities, including: adjustment activities (6 activities) and financial literacy activities (6 activities), the program achieved the highest level of appropriate. 2) The 30 first-year dormitory students have average scores of adjustment and financial literacy pre-test and post-test was significant level of .01. The post-test and follow-up, there was no statistically significant difference. 

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How to Cite
Penrattanahiran, R. (2024). Development of Program to Enhance Adjustment and Financial Literacy Using Problem-Based Learning Approach for First-Year Dormitory Students Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University . STOU Education Journal, 17(2), 19–37. Retrieved from
Research Article


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