The Comparison of Teacher Competency of 4-year and 5-year Course Teacher Students of Faculty of Education, Yala Rajabhat University

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Runglawan Chantarattana
Naowarat Maleelatae


     The purposes of this research were to 1) survey teacher competencies of teacher students in 4-year programs and 5-year programs and 2) compare teacher competencies of teacher students in 4-year programs and 5-year programs.  The samples were mentors for teacher students selected according to the proportion of students from 12 majors by simple random sampling. There were 210 mentors for the 4-year programs and 204 mentors for the 5-year programs. The research instrument was a teacher competencies assessment form that has been determined for content validity with values ​​ranging from 0.67-1.00 and reliability values ​​were 0.83 and 0.93. Statistics for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and independent t-test. The research results were as follows: 1) teacher competencies of teacher students in the 4-year program and the 5-year program were found to be as follows; (1) the professional competencies for teachers with the highest average was ethics and professional ethics, followed by curriculum/teaching science and the lowest average was design and implementation of educational quality assurance work; and (2) the core competencies of education in the 4.0 era with the highest average was a lifelong learner and the next was cross-cultural communication and the lowest average was critical thinking; and 2) in the teacher professional competencies and the core competencies of education in the 4.0 era, it was found that all aspects of competencies of the teacher students in the 4-year program were higher than those of the teacher students in the 5-year program at the .05 level of statistical significance.

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How to Cite
Chantarattana, R., & Maleelatae, N. (2024). The Comparison of Teacher Competency of 4-year and 5-year Course Teacher Students of Faculty of Education, Yala Rajabhat University. STOU Education Journal, 17(1), 53–69. retrieved from
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