The Development of Scientific Explanation and Science Communication Abilities by Using Context-based Learning in the Topic of Pure Substance for Grade 7 Students at Rattanakosin Somphot Bowonniwet Salaya School, under The Supreme Patriarvh Patronage Nakhon Pathom Province

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Netnapha Ditcharoen
Jurarat Thammaprateep
Duongdearn Suwanjinda


The purposes of this action research were to 1) develop scientific explanation ability and science communication ability of grade 7 students at Rattanakosin Somphot Bowonniwet Salaya School, Under The Supreme Patriarvh Patronage by using context-based learning in the topic of Pure Substance; and 2) study good practices in using context-based learning that develops the scientific explanation and  science communication abilities. The study group consisted of 31 students at Rattanakosin Somphot Bowonniwet  Salaya School, Under The Supreme Patriarvh Patronage, obtained by purposive sampling. Data were gathered from 6 context-based lesson plans for 18 hours, a scientific explanation test, an assessment form for the ability to communicate in science, students’ worksheets, teaching videos, students’ reflective journals, and the teacher’s reflective journals. The data were analyzed by finding frequency percentage and conducting content analysis. The results of this research show the following findings. 1) Students have demonstrated a higher ability to create scientific explanation, with the majority of students (20 students) performing at a very good level at 64.52 percent. 2) The ability to communicate in science has also increased, with most of the students (23 students) reaching a very good level at 74.19 percent. In addition, 3) good teaching practices observed in the context-based learning approach include (1) using guiding and amplifying questions to aid students in creating scientific explanation, (2) clearly defining student roles in exchanging ideas, which encourage the development of arguments, evidence, and reasoning, and (3) incorporating video recording together with assessment and feedback from peers and the teacher, as tools to foster students' science communication. 

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How to Cite
Ditcharoen, N., Thammaprateep, J., & Suwanjinda, D. (2024). The Development of Scientific Explanation and Science Communication Abilities by Using Context-based Learning in the Topic of Pure Substance for Grade 7 Students at Rattanakosin Somphot Bowonniwet Salaya School, under The Supreme Patriarvh Patronage Nakhon Pathom Province . STOU Education Journal, 17(2), 125–143. Retrieved from
Research Article


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