The Development of Arithmetic Skills Assessment for 4th-6th Grade Elementary School Students

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Siriluck Saelee
Sasiton Kanchanasuvarna
Vandee Sangpateptong


        The objectives of this research were 1) to develop an arithmetic skills assessment for 4th-6th grade students; and 2) to verify quality of the developed arithmetic skills assessment for 4th-6th grade students. The research sample consisted of 400 students in 4th-6th grade using the Krejcie & Morgan tables with a 5% error and 95% acceptability, obtained from by multistage sampling. The research instrument was the arithmetic skills assessment for 4th-6th grade students. Quality of the instrument was verified by finding its content validity, difficulty indices, discriminating indices, and reliability.  The results of the research found that 1) The arithmetic skills assessment for 4th-6th grade students, 1 copy, 40 questions, was a short answer objective test, consisting of 5 elements: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and mix addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. 2) The quality of the developed arithmetic skills assessment for 4th-6th grade students had content validity as shown by the IOCs ranging from .67 to 1.00. The difficulty indices of item ranged from .27 to .80. The discriminating indices of items ranged from .20 to .52 and reliability of the test was .91

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How to Cite
Saelee, S., Kanchanasuvarna, S., & Sangpateptong, V. (2024). The Development of Arithmetic Skills Assessment for 4th-6th Grade Elementary School Students. STOU Education Journal, 17(1), 119–129. retrieved from
Research Article


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