The Development of the Short Training Course to Develop Thai Integrated Instruction Competence with Local Identity for the Student Teachers in the Thai Language Program

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Sueksa Benjakul
Prapasri Pechmon
Vorakorn Thampibanudom
Nantawat Nedjaroen


The objectives of this study were to develop and evaluate the training course to develop Thai integrated instruction competence with local identity for the student teachers in the Thai language program. The methods of the research were conducted under a research and development. The data collection and analysis using mixed methods. The sample group is bachelor of education program students from the Thai language program, Faculty of Education, Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University, teaching practice in an educational institution, semester 1, academic year 2023, totaling 28 people by cluster random sampling, using universities as the sampling unit. The research tools consisted of the training course and the training course document. The tools used to evaluate the effectiveness of the training course are a competency assessment form, a classroom observations form, and a self-reflection assessment. The qualitative data were synthesized by using content analysis; while the quantitative data were statistically analyzed using the mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The research results were as follows: 1) the training course consisted of five components: (1) curriculum principles and concepts, (2) learning development expectations, (3) training activities, (4) hybrid technology and media, and (5) evaluation and improvement. The training activity is divided into three learning units: analysis of learning context and local identity, integrating creative learning, and professional learning management practices. 2) The effectiveness of the training course, it was found that student teachers in the Thai language program had Thai integrated instruction competence with local identity after using the training course, it was higher than before using the training course at a statistical significance level of .05.   

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How to Cite
Benjakul, S., Pechmon, P., Thampibanudom, V., & Nedjaroen, N. . (2024). The Development of the Short Training Course to Develop Thai Integrated Instruction Competence with Local Identity for the Student Teachers in the Thai Language Program . STOU Education Journal, 17(2), 52–68. Retrieved from
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