The Relationship Between Organization Culture and Organizational Commitment of Private School Teachers under Buriram Provincial Educational Office

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Sumalee Hengyodmak
Sanrudee Deepu


The purposes of this thesis were to study level and relationship between the organization culture and the organizational commitment of private school teachers under Buriram Provincial Educational Office. There were 291 samples of private school staff under Buriram Provincial Educational Office in the academic year 2023. The research instruments were rating scale questionnaires. The organization culture questionnaire with reliability 0.98 and the teachers’ commitment questionnaire with reliability 0.97. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient (r). The research result found that. 1) The organization culture of private schools under Buriram Provincial Educational Office overall was the highest level, when considering that each aspect: the bureaucratic culture and the clan culture were the highest level, the market culture, the collaborative culture and the adaptive culture were the high level. 2) The organizational commitment of private school teachers under Buriram Provincial Educational Office overall was at the highest level, when considering that each aspect: the normative commitment, the willingness commitment and the affective commitment were the highest level, the confidence and acceptance of goal and the continuance commitment were the high level. 3) The relationship between the organization culture and the organizational commitment of private school teachers under Buriram Provincial Educational Office in overall was positively correlated with statistically significant at 0.01, the correlated coefficient was 0.73.

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How to Cite
Hengyodmak, S., & Deepu, S. (2024). The Relationship Between Organization Culture and Organizational Commitment of Private School Teachers under Buriram Provincial Educational Office. STOU Education Journal, 17(2), 92–108. Retrieved from
Research Article


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