The Guidelines for Student Caring and Support System Administration of Ban Thamakaeng School under Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 3


  • Kanasak Jariayapathanakul Jariyapathanakul
  • Phoonchai Yawirach
  • Somkiet Tunkaew


Student Caring and Support System, Ban Thamakaeng School


The objectives of this study were (1) to examine the current administration circumstance of student caring and support system (2) to investigate the factors affecting the administration of student caring and support system (3) to develop the guidelines for student caring and support system administration of Ban Thamakaeng School. the results showed that:

  1. The current and desirable administration circumstance of student caring and support system, in overall, showed that, in regard to individual student recognition, the class supervising teacher checked, monitored and evaluated at the high level. Student screening, rated at the high level, revealed that the class supervising teacher reviewed students’ behaviors and categorized students into 3 groups (normal, vulnerable, and problematic students). Student's promotion and development revealed that teachers visited students at their homes at the high level. Prevention and problem-solving for students revealed that teachers implemented scout activity in developing vulnerable students at the high level. Student transfer revealed that the class supervising teachers informed the students to understand about their problems at the high level.
  2. The key factors affecting the administration of student caring and support system revealed that the promoting and de-promoting factors were personnel shared planning and development in budget administration. Some staff lacked understanding in developing an action plan, lacked awareness and job responsibility to complete their tasks on time. No morale support affected the staff lacking motivation. Staff were assigned tasks but lacked monitoring so staff ignored developing summary reports. Unclear action plan affected unsystematic operation. Inconsistent monitoring and evaluation affected lacking the use of evaluation reports for improvement. Budget use not corresponded to the plan.

                3. The guidelines for student caring and support system administration of Ban Thamakaeng School were proposed. (1) Planning: Allow teachers and involved personnel to share their involvement in planning the student caring and support system. Analyze the past activities and future outcomes of the activities in order to construct a clear system for standard procedure and data recording which facilitate self-assessment and assessment by others following quality assurance assessment system indicators. (2) Officially appoint responsible people and clearly determine job responsibility by drawing participation of all parties. Implement a clear and consistent data recording system for up-to-date data. 3) Implement self-, peer- or team-evaluation platforms within the school. (4) Review the evaluation results for improvement and development following a quality system which promotes sustainable organization working culture.

Author Biographies

Kanasak Jariayapathanakul, Jariyapathanakul

Master of Education (Educational Administration) Faculty of Education. Chiang Rai Rajabhat University. (2020).

Phoonchai Yawirach

Assistan Professor in Master of Education (Educational Administration) Faculty of Education.
Chiang Rai Rajabhat University. (Advisor)

Somkiet Tunkaew

Lecturer in Master of Education (Educational Administration) Faculty of Education. Chiang Rai Rajabhat University. (Co Advisor)


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