The Guidelines for Learning Management Administration Promoting the 21st Century Career Development of Students at Ban Wiang Phan School, Chiang Rai Province
Learning Management, Learning Management Approach, 21st Century Career SkillsAbstract
The objective of this study was to 1) study the current and desirable conditions of learning management that promote career skills in the 21st century of students of Ban Wiang Phan School. Chiang Rai 2) study the factors affecting the management of learning management that promotes career skills in the 21st century of the students of Ban Wiang Phan School. and 3) study the learning management approach that promotes career skills in the 21st century of students at Ban Wiang Phan School. The population recruited 60 participants including 1 director and 3 vice-directors, 4 chiefs of administrative divisions, and 52 teachers. The research instruments were questionnaire and interview. The data analysis employed PNI, mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The results showed that: 1. The current and desirable circumstances of learning management promoting the 21st Century career development of students at Ban Wiang Phan School, Chiang Rai Province in regard to classroom learning management promotion of teachers, learning atmosphere promotion, promoting the use of media and learning resources, in overall, showed quality at the highest level. 2. The factors affecting learning management promoting the 21st Century career development of student sat Ban Wiang Phan School, Chiang Rai Province were: 2.1) The promoting factors were budget planning, individual learner analysis, learning management supervision, learning management activities evaluation, labs management and variety of learning media, teachers and students showing good relationship, and internal learning resources for practical practice. 2.2) The de-promoting factors were the lack of planning for developing learning activities, inadequate materials, equipment and labs, supervision platforms inconsistent with instruction, limited evaluation platforms, lacking internal and external learning resources suitable to the learning. 3. The guidelines for learning management administration promoting the 21st Century career development of Ban Wiang Phan School consisted of 3 steps i.e. 3.1) Promoting classroom learning management of teachers comprised (1) Promoting readiness of teachers before teaching (2) Planning for learning management (3) Learning activity or supervision (4) Evaluation and improving learning management 3.2) Building atmosphere promoting learning comprised (1) Promoting psychological atmosphere (2) Promoting physical atmosphere (3) Promoting social atmosphere; and 3.3) Prompting the use of media and learning resources.
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