The Administration Strategies of Private Tutoring School Administration for New Normal Learning Management Standard
New Normal Learning Management, Private School, TutorialAbstract
The objectives of this study were:(1) To examine internal and external environments for determining administration direction and strategies of private tutoring school for new normal learning management standards. The semi-structured interview was used in interviewing 6 school administrators from 3 private tutoring schools. The content analysis was used to analyze external environments in identifying opportunities and threats while internal environment analysis was aimed to identify strengths and weaknesses. The TOWS Matrix was implemented for drafting the strategies. (2) To evaluate the feasibility of the administration strategies of private tutoring schools for new normal learning management standards. The focus-group discussion was implemented with 6 school administrators from 3 private tutoring schools and 2 scholarly experts. The focus-group discussion data was analyzed by content analysis and developed into a summary report. The results showed that the administration strategies for private tutoring schools for new normal learning management involved 2 stages. 1. Analysis of external and internal environments of the school showed that school circumstance was favorable and solid which triggered the evolvement of 3 administration strategies. Strategy 1: Developing learners underpinning new normal learning management by means of using modern technology, uplifting quality of learning for solidifying parent’s confidence, reorganizing the action plan by focusing on quality of learners and budget in consistent with the new normal learning management. Strategy 2: Developing media, innovation and technology promoting new normal learning management standards. This extended the learning management by exploiting technology advancement favorable to anytime anywhere learning and breaking through the limitation of onsite classroom setting. Developing teachers’ digital literacy, instructional media, innovation and technology endorsing the new normal learning management. Strategy 3: Developing standard administration system by strengthening private tutoring school internal system through expanding private tutoring school network. Restructuring tutoring fee fitting to the economic circumstance and uplifting the cooperation among private tutoring school networks. 2. The feasibility evaluation of the administration strategies of private tutoring schools for new normal learning management standard, in overall, was rated at the high level.
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