The Guidelines for Academic Administration Foreign Language Department (English) of Opportunity Expansion Schools under Chiang Rai Educational Service Area Office 1


  • Suchanya Kamrach คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏเชียงราย
  • Somkiet Tunkaew Faculty of Education Rajabhat Chiang Rai University
  • Pairop Rattanachuwong Faculty of Education Rajabhat Chiang Rai University


Administration, Academic Administration, Quality Management


The objectives of this study were to examine academic administration circumstance of Foreign Language Department (English) in Opportunity Expansion Schools under Chiang Rai Educational Service Area Office 1; to investigate the key factors affecting academic administration of Foreign Language Department (English) in Opportunity Expansion Schools under Chiang Rai Educational Service Area Office 1; and to develop the guidelines for academic administration of Foreign Language Department (English) in Opportunity Expansion Schools under Chiang Rai Educational Service Area Office
1. The study employed quantitative, qualitative, and participatory action research methods. The population were 26 school directors and 38 teachers to answer Research Objective 1,
4 school directors for Research Objective 2, and 2 school directors, 1 educational supervisor, and 2 teachers for Research Objective 3. The research instruments were questionnaire, interview, questions, feasibility and appropriateness evaluation form. The data was analyzed for mean (μ), standard deviation (σ) and content analysis, the data was summarized into an essay report. The results showed that:

  1. The academic administration circumstance of Foreign Language Department (English) in Opportunity Expansion Schools under Chiang Rai Educational Service Area Office 1, in overall, was rated at the high level. The individual aspects analysis showed that the aspects showing the highest mean were development of media, innovation and educational technology which were rated at the high level, followed by development of teachers, development of learning process rated at the high level, while research for educational quality development, curriculum development, assessment and evaluation were rated at the moderate level.
  2. The key factors affecting academic administration of Foreign Language Department (English) in Opportunity Expansion Schools under Chiang Rai Educational Service Area Office 1 indicated that: (1) Curriculum Development requires analyzing the national basic core curriculum for developing the school curriculum. (2) Teacher Development requires promoting teachers to attend trainings for self-development.
    (3) Learning Process Development requires developing learning management plan focusing on learner-centeredness (4) Innovative Media and Educational Technology requires allocating variety of modern media and technology. (5) Assessment and Evaluation requires implementing authentic assessment for evaluating the learners. (6) Research for Educational Quality Development requires encouraging teachers in conducting classroom research to fix learning management problems.

                3.  The guidelines for academic administration of Foreign Language Department (English) in Opportunity Expansion Schools under Chiang Rai Educational Service Area Office 1 were proposed. (1) Curriculum Development requires analyzing and developing school curriculum, then implementing, supervising, directing, monitoring and developing. (2) Teacher Development requires determining goals setting for teachers in self-development, then implementing, supervising, directing, monitoring and developing. (3) Learning Process Development requires designing learning management plan, then implementing, supervising, directing, monitoring and developing. (4) Innovative Media and Educational Technology requires choosing and developing various types of media, then implementing, supervising, directing, monitoring and developing. (5) Assessment and evaluation requires developing handbook and then implementing, supervising, directing, monitoring and developing. (6) Research for Educational Quality Development requires devising agreement and promoting teachers to conduct research, then supervising, directing, monitoring and developing.

Author Biographies

Suchanya Kamrach, คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏเชียงราย

Master of Education (Educational Administration) Faculty of Education. Chiang Rai Rajabhat University. (2020).

Somkiet Tunkaew, Faculty of Education Rajabhat Chiang Rai University

Lecturer in Master of Education (Educational Administration) Faculty of Education. Chiang Rai Rajabhat University. (Advisor)

Pairop Rattanachuwong, Faculty of Education Rajabhat Chiang Rai University

Assistan Professor in Master of Education (Educational Administration) Faculty of Education.
Chiang Rai Rajabhat University. (Co Advisor)


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