Society, Politics and Theory


  • Mali Thipprajong Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Phetchaburi Buddhist College.


Social, Political, Theory


Thai political society (or any other political society In third-world countries, which still have a politically undeveloped, non-democratic definition, in this definition of Pye), to lead to the purpose of eventual political development, in addition to political reform. Regarding the structure of government, there must also be a cultural or democratic lifestyle reform of citizens at the same time.Well, however When considering the structure of a democratic political system, it is found that it consists of three parts: First, the upper structure. It consists of important political institutions (Political Institutions), namely the constitution, political parties, elections, parliament and government. Second, the central structure. Which serves to connect the lower and upper structures together Including political parties, various pushing groups (Or interest group)And third, the lower structure, which is the majority of the citizens of the country, must have political awareness, a democratic political culture, be responsible. Discipline Recognize one's rights and duties, and respect the rights of others, be interested in participating in politics by expressing opinions or criticizing in politics, government or administration.

Author Biography

Mali Thipprajong, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Phetchaburi Buddhist College.

Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Phetchaburi Buddhist College.


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