Administrative Strategy for Internal Quality Assurance of Chiang Saen Wittayakom School on Special Economic Zone Context


  • Meythichai Chaimin Chiang Rai Rajabhat University
  • Phoonchai Yawirach Chiang Rai Rajabhat University
  • Suwadee Uppinjai Chiang Rai Rajabhat University


Administrative Strategy, Internal Quality Assurance, Special Economic Zone of Thailand


                   The independent study; The administrative strategies of the quality assurance in the educational institution – Chiang Saen Wittayakom School among the spatial context of the Special Economic Zone’s objectives are 1. to study the environment affecting the quality assurance management in the school. 2. to determine the direction of the quality assurance management in the school. 3. to determine strategies for the quality assurance management in the school. The research instrument is the questionnaire in the sample group, namely Director of the school , Deputy director of the school , teacher and study supervision. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics to discover the mean and the standard deviation then identify the environment and formulate strategies by brainstorming sessions.

                   The findings revealed that 1. on the status assessment of Chiang Saen Wittayakom School expressed that the status was in the position of Cash Cows (unfavorable but strong). 2. Chiang Saen Wittayakom School’s vision, mission and goals have been set. 3. on the strategies for the quality assurance management in the educational institution according to the spatial context of the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) consist of 4 main strategies. Strategy 1: To build up a community network for promoting and developing the quality of assurance systems in the educational institution. Strategy 2: To develop a system of supervision, monitoring, and evaluation by cooperating with all parties. Strategy 3: To promote the development of the information systems for improving the quality assurance work in the educational institution. Strategy 4: To enhance the potential of personnel in performing the quality assurance work in the educational institution.

Author Biographies

Meythichai Chaimin, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University

Master of Education (Educational Administration) Faculty of Education. Chiang Rai Rajabhat University. (2020).

Phoonchai Yawirach, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University

Master of Education (Educational Administration) Faculty of Education. Chiang Rai Rajabhat University. (2020).

Suwadee Uppinjai , Chiang Rai Rajabhat University

Assistan Professor in Master of Education (Educational Administration) Faculty of Education. Chiang Rai Rajabhat University. (Co Advisor)


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