Development of Tourism Authority of Thailand’s Creative Strategy Employed in Advertising Films in 2008 – 2017


  • Witavas Kattirat Faculty of Mass Communication, Chiang Mai University.
  • Terapatt Vannaruemol


Television Commercial, Advertising Creative Strategy, Tourism Authority of Thailand


                   This study aims 1) to investigate the development of advertising creative strategies, format and content presentation of Tourism Authority of Thailand 2) to compare the content of television commercial between domestic tourists and foreign tourists. The sample of this study are 36 television commercials promoted by the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) during 2008-2017

                   The finding of the study revealed that TAT places the main personality traits of the Thai tourism industry’s brand to be Sincerity mixed with Excitement as a whole for target groups in both the Thai and international markets. Use Competence personality to help in the domestic market campaign by presenting through the image of a competent, trustworthy and complex personality. Sophistication found in some campaigns for foreign markets. Focusing on communication objectives to reach the level of perception, emotional and attitude, and behavioral changes towards travel in Thailand. The selling ideas which were used significantly are Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and brand image.

                   The advertising appeals used to communicate with the target groups in both markets has an important common point, which is the story of happiness (Happiness & Joy) and excitement (Excites). For the Thai market, using famous people (Star appeal) were found that good for motivating the target audiences. Coupled with stimulating public awareness (Social Moral & Environment), while the international market was focused on feature (Feature) coupled with quality (Quality)

                   The most common executions found in communicating in domestic market were lifestyle, followed by presenter and straight sell/Factual message). Overseas, the use of lifestyle has the same frequency as the domestic market while demonstration and storytelling technique is second to last.

                   The television commercial production techniques conveyed through television commercial of TAT is a wide variety of filming techniques and stories appearing to show the richness of both natural resources and long-established culture. A frequent sight of both audiences is a picture of the beautiful sea which is considered the main destination for both Thai and foreign tourists storytelling strategies vary according to social context and world tourism trends.

Author Biographies

Witavas Kattirat, Faculty of Mass Communication, Chiang Mai University.

M.A. Student in Communication Study, Faculty of Mass Communication, Chiang Mai University. (2022)

Terapatt Vannaruemol

Associate Professor in Communication Study, Faculty of Mass Communication, Chiang Mai University. (Advisor).


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