Participatory Communication for Developing Knowledge and Comprehension in Accounting Report of Highland Agricultural Cooperatives Development in the Highland Development Project Using Royal Project System in Salawin Basin, Pobpra District, Tak Province


  • Khrongyoth Ut-Inkaew Graduate student
  • Assistant Professor Dr. Supparerk Pothipairatana


Participatory Communication, Accounting Reporting Agricultural Cooperatives, Highlands


The subject of this research is “Participatory Communication for Developing Knowledge and Comprehension in Accounting Report of Highland Agricultural Cooperatives Development in the Highland Development Project Using Royal Project System in Salawin Basin, Pobpra District, Tak Province.” which research objectives is to study of participatory communication for developing knowledge and comprehension in accounting report of highland agricultural cooperatives development in the Highland Development Project Using Royal Project System in Salawin Basin, Pobpra District, Tak Province. The study used Participatory Action Research (PAR) by using the interview form to study the community agricultural cooperatives in the highlands. Then, a focus group was organized to analyze readiness with SWOT technique and apply the analysis results to PAOR process according to the concept of Kemmis; & Mc Taggart (1990), consisting of 4 steps. These are Plan, Action, Observe, and Reflection.

                   The results showed that the participatory communication for developing knowledge and comprehension in accounting report of highland agricultural cooperatives development in the Highland Development Project Using Royal Project System in Salawin Basin, Pobpra District, Tak Province, there is a relevant factor component of communication, that is, it is a two-way communication style, there are various directions of information flow, with each cooperative member having a role in sharing knowledge and understanding. both official and unofficial, and personal media is a type of media that is accepted by the community and is used for communication. The process of conducting research is to organize group discussion activities. The researcher defines issues for exchanging opinions and needs of cooperative members, such as mentioning the origins and importance of cooperatives. SWOT analysis activities and cooperative development found Phra Limited. and bring the SWOT analysis results into activities according to the PAOR process. Tak Province Cooperative Scholar Central academics and local officials acted as co-researcher in this study. There is a group of people who are members of the Pobpra Highland Agricultural Cooperatives, Tak province cooperative scholars and HRDI academical marketing officers have involved with the conduct of this research. It can be said that the success factor of this research is a participatory communication process that can be used as a tool for solving community communication problems because communities are encouraged to see their self-worth, for example, bringing hemp handicrafts, which is a local wisdom, to disseminate Villagers are confident that they have participated. I saw the value of my own thoughts. and proving the ability to use technology as a communication tool, such as LINE, used as a communication channel during Covid-19 epidemic situations. There was an exchange of information thus gaining knowledge and understanding of the content. In addition, he also expressed his feelings problem together to find solutions from the perspectives of cooperative members and HRDI. As an evaluating the opinions of the participants in the developing knowledge and comprehension in accounting report of highland agricultural cooperatives development. There is an opinion on the changes caused by the development to a large extent. An average of 84.49% expressed that the support of personnel who had come to help solve the agricultural cooperative accounting problems, as a result, the assessor has confidence in the cooperative system and felt that participation in the developing knowledge and comprehension in accounting report of highland agricultural cooperatives development, had caused a large change. And there are satisfied with the changes caused by the development at a high level which was an average of 82.81% in terms of participation that resulted in confidence in the cooperative system. As well as they felt satisfied to recommend or invite others to become a member of the cooperative.

Author Biographies

Khrongyoth Ut-Inkaew, Graduate student

Communication Studies student, Faculty of Mass Communication, Chiang Mai University. 

Assistant Professor Dr. Supparerk Pothipairatana

Assistant Professor of Communication Studies, Faculty of Mass Communication, Chiang Mai University.


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