The Evaluation Report of the Buddhist – Oriented School in Phimai Damrong Wittayakom School
Project Evaluation Report, Buddhist- Oriented School, Phimaidamrong Withayakhom SchoolAbstract
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the project of Phimaidamrong Withayakhom, a Buddhist- oriented school by CIPP model. The sample were consist of the principals, teachers, students and parents total 275 persons. The sample were simple sample and purposive sample by Krejcie& Morgan determination. The instrument were 4 Likert rating scale questionnaires, congruence index between 0.80 – 1.00 and reliability between 0.90 – 0.96. This research was analyze frequency, percentage, means and standard deviation. The result reveal that Phimaidamrong Withayakhom, a Buddhist- oriented school in total was in the strongly agree, ( =4.51, SD =0.32) when described in each aspect found the context aspect had the most high average means (
=4.60, SD =0.27) next below were the product aspect (
=4.54, SD =0.35), the input aspect (
=4.48, SD =0.31) and the process aspect (
=4.46, SD =0.31) respectively.
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