The Student Life Skills Development Project Assessment Report Don Moddaeng Wittayakhom School Academic Year 2021


  • Paitoon ๋Jampan


Project Assessment, Life Skills


                   The Student life skills development project assessment report Don Moddaeng Wittayakhom School Academic Year 2021 were intended to 1) enhance the environment the import factor process and project productivity 2) study the impact, effectiveness, sustainability and knowledge transfer of the project 3)  study the satisfaction towards the student life skills development project assessment Don Moddaeng Wittayakhom School Academic Year 2021. Administrators, teachers, students, basic education committees and the 296 students' parents were obtained by simple random sampling. Research instruments were questionnaires to assess environmental projects. The import factor Process, productivity, impact interview form, effectiveness, sustainability and project knowledge transfer and a satisfaction questionnaire on the student life skills development project assessment Don Moddaeng Wittayakhom School Academic Year 2021. The statistics used in the data analysis were average ( ) and standard deviation (S.D.) The results showed that:

                   The Student life skills development project assessment Don Moddaeng Wittayakhom School Academic Year 2021 found that 1) the assessment results of the four aspects found that the opinion level was at a high level. When considering each item, it was found that the first average was the output aspect, followed by the import factor. Third place is environment the lowest mean was the process aspect. 2) The results of the assessment of impact, effectiveness, sustainability and knowledge transfer of the project found that 2.1) The impact of the project assessment found that participation in learning activities on event planning Put the policy into practice Determine the roles and duties of teachers clear personnel. The study individual student information to obtain student information, seeking agencies involved in cooperating in organizing learning activities. In terms of supporting factors, the participation of all sectors, both public and private, should be promoted in mobilizing resources to support activities. Personnel responsible for organizing activities should be organized. Coordinate with the organization to request assistance for students to study and visit or practice experience or to request cooperation from speakers to participate in supporting and organizing activities. Study trips to successful study sites or student life skills excellence practices, project success assessment the project should allow students to gain knowledge skills and work experience had a good attitude interpersonal and know how to use free time usefully; teachers have knowledge in organizing activities, develop curricula and organize activities in accordance with the needs of students. The school was a place to study and visit the community and relationship between teachers, students, parents and community comments on project output.  The competence, life skills and attitudes towards life skills were found that the students had knowledge life skills competence believe in the benefits of organizing learning activities to develop life skills, dare to think, dare to act and assertive had a good attitude towards life and the guidelines for their future development  and the basic education committees were satisfied with the arrangement of learning activities to develop student life skills because such activities resulted in students working knowledge, patience, experience, and human relations accepted by society use free time usefully and the life skills that could be applied in the future. 2.2) the effectiveness was found that the project used the principle of participation of parents and communities in organizing life skills learning activities achieve project objectives. Students were given fairness and equality, knowledgeable about life skills. Confidence, patience, human relations accepted by society use free time to advantage. Parents and basic education committees were satisfied with the effectiveness of the learning activities for the development of student life skills. 2.3) The sustainability was found that the project enabled students to continuously learn life skills. There were administrators and teachers to facilitate learning management. Students had life skills. The school took care of occupational health and safety and strictly complies with the laws and government regulations and manage risks and impacts in all aspects. 2.4) In terms of knowledge transfer was found that the project provided students with knowledge of life skills. Teachers organize activities for students to apply their knowledge of life skills in their daily lives and extend the results to parents and families. Teachers used the information to develop and exchange knowledge in the form of a professional community and the school was a source of study visits to create a network of cooperation. 3) Overall satisfaction towards the student life skills development project assessment Don Moddaeng Wittayakhom School Academic Year 2021 was at a high level when considering each item was found that the first thing was that there should be further activities for learning life skills for students, followed by the arrangement of life skills learning activities that are beneficial to the students and students can apply life skills to apply in the future accordingly. The item with the lowest average was Students could apply their knowledge to disseminate/transfer to others.

Author Biography

Paitoon ๋Jampan

Director of Education at Municipal School 2, Nong Bua, Ubon Ratchathani Municipality.


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