The Guidelines Management to Promote the Quality of Professional Life Among Learning Support Assistants in Chiang Rai Municipality School 6
Management Guidelines, Quality of Work Life, Learning Support AssistantsAbstract
This study aimed to investigate the guidelines management to enhance the quality of professional life among learning support assistants in Chiangrai Municipality School 6, with a population of 96 assistants and informants 15 assistants. The instruments were questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaire data were analyzed by mean and standard deviation, while content analysis was used for the interview data. The findings are as follows;
1. The management condition to support the quality working life of the learning support that the average is on a high level.
2. The factors consisted of supportive and hindering factors. The supportive factors included executives’ support with guidance to prevent problems and achieve objectives, delicate colleagues who respect and help each other sincerely, and recognition from executives. The hindering factors were unreasonable compensation based on commitment and overlapping- task performance causing assistants to weary without cooperation from colleagues leading to a lack of confidence and neglect within the organization.
3. The desirable administrative conditions to enhance the quality of professional life among learning support assistants involved informed with clear guidelines on working practices, responsibilities, and task deadlines to standardize responsibility in the organization. Additionally, a work-life balance by providing suitable facilities for creating a working environment encourages higher job satisfaction at the workplace.
4. The guidelines management to enhance the quality of professional life among learning support assistants what the school director must have a clear guidelines to enhance the quality of professional life. Activities are organised for learning support assistants to participate in planning that to enhance their quality of professional life.
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