Developing Competency in Explaining Phenomena Scientifically using Inquiry-Based Teaching (5Es) of students in Grade 2 at Nang Lae Kindergarten School (Ban Thung)


  • Saengrawee Nalamphun -education
  • Supattra Chaimongkon
  • Somchai Jaiban


Competency in Applying Scientific Knowledge, Inquiry-Based Teaching, Efficiency


The objectives of this research were to 1) study students' competency levels in using scientific knowledge to create reasonable explanations before using the inquiry-based learning plan (5Es). 2) To find out the effectiveness of the learning management plan. Investigative style (5Es) in developing students' ability to use scientific knowledge to create reasonable explanations. 3) To evaluate students' ability to use scientific knowledge to create reasonable explanations after using the inquiry-based learning plan (5Es). The sample group was 2nd grade students at Nang Lae Kindergarten School (Ban Thung) academic year 2023, number of 25 people, which were obtained by random sampling. The tools used in the research include: 1) Inquiry-based learning plan (5Es) to develop competency in using scientific knowledge to create reasonable explanations. 2) Competency measurement test. Statistics used include mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The results of the research found that:

                   1) The level of competency in applying scientific knowledge to create reasonable explanations, students had a medium level of competency at 56 percent and a high level of 24 percent, with a low level of 20 percent.

                   2) Students who received inquiry-based learning activities (5Es) had average scores. From the assessment of learning behavior by observing teachers. and subtests During study, it was equal to 46.52 out of a full score of 60 points, calculated as 77.53 percent, indicating that process efficiency (E1) was equal to 77.53, result efficiency (E2) was equal to 76.0 Therefore, the efficiency of the inquiry-based learning activity plan (5Es) (E1/E2) was equal to 77.53/76.00. Overall, the effectiveness index of the inquiry-based learning activity plan (5Es) has increased student knowledge. It shows that students have made progress in their studies at 77.53 percent.

                   3) Level of competency in applying scientific knowledge to create reasonable explanations. Students after using the inquiry-based learning plan (5Es) had a high level of competency, accounting for 52 percent, and the highest level. equal to medium level accounting for 24 percent, respectively The average performance in applying knowledge in applying scientific knowledge to create reasonable explanations of Grade 2 students at Anuban Nang Lae School (Ban Thung) after using the inquiry-based teaching technique (5E) was higher. Before use Before using the inquiry-based teaching technique (5E), the average was equal to 16.92, accounting for 56.4 percent, and after using the inquiry-based teaching technique (5E), the average was equal to 20.76, accounting for 69.2 percent.

Author Biographies

Saengrawee Nalamphun, -education

Assistant Professor in Bachelor of Education (Science Educational) Faculty of Education. Chiang Rai Rajabhat University. (Advisor).

Supattra Chaimongkon

Bachelor of Education (Science Educational) Faculty of Education. Chiang Rai Rajabhat University. (2023)

Somchai Jaiban

Assistant Professor in Bachelor of Education (Science Educational) Faculty of Education. Chiang Rai Rajabhat University. (Advisor).


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