The Development of Critical Thinking Skills and Learning Achievement in Social Studies of Seventh Grade Students Using Active Learning Concept; Case-based Learning with Questioning Techniques
Critical Thinking Skills, Social Studies, Active Learning, Case-Based Learning, Questioning TechniquesAbstract
This research is an experimental research. The purposes of this study were to 1) to develop students’ critical thinking skills after learning with active learning concept; case-based learning with questioning techniques compared with 70 percent criteria. 2) to compare the social studies learning achievement of students who learned with active learning concept; case-based learning with questioning techniques before and after the learning management 3) to study students' opinions on learning management according to active learning concept using case-based learning with questioning techniques. The sample for this research consisted of 32 seventh grade students who studied in the second semester of the academic year 2023 from Piboonbumpen Demonstration School, Burapha University using cluster random sampling. The research instruments were 1) Lesson plans 2) Learning achievement test 3) Critical thinking skills test 4) Questionnaire. The statistics employed for data analysis were the mean, standard deviation and t-test.
The research findings showed that: 1) Students’ critical thinking skills after using active learning concept was higher than 70 percent criteria with statistically significant at .05 level. 2) The social studies learning achievement of students after using active learning concept was higher than before learning with statistically significant at .05 level. 3) Students’ opinions about using active learning concept were at a high level.
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