Study of Traditional Knowledge Irrigation Water Resource Management of the Nam Kham Basin Community, Chiang Rai Province


  • Satian Chunta Faculty of Science and Technology, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University


Muang Fai, Traditional Knowledge, Water Resources, Kham River Basin


        The purpose of this study is to examine the traditional knowledge in water resource management of the Nam Kham Basin community and to study the water management model and process of the Nam Kham Basin community in Chiang Rai Province. Using qualitative research methods. The tools include a guide interview for conversations, interviews, observations, and participatory rural assessments. Field data was collected from representatives of water users in Muang Fai among 30 people and the chairman and committee of the Nam Kham Basin 6 traditional irrigation or Muang Fai community through the purposeful selection of representatives, consisting of
a chairman and 30 members of committees. Data analysis and synthesis by interactive data analysis and content analysis. The results of the study found that, first, traditional knowledge has established a system of irrigation structures with water allocation levels. An organization has been established to manage water allocation. And social networks are created through rituals as a mechanism for creating cooperation among people in the river basin communities. Secondly, there are two types of sustainable integrated water resource management models: 1) A community-level management model for water user areas from traditional irrigation and branches of traditional irrigation is a community-level water management model in the traditional irrigation group. 2) Watershed management model at the traditional irrigation network level, which is management at the watershed level. Suggestions for use by government agencies and local administrative organizations must give importance to and support communities to be strong in managing water resources. Both in the form of traditional irrigation management and management of the watershed network, this will be a mechanism for driving sustainable water resource management.

Author Biography

Satian Chunta, Faculty of Science and Technology, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University

Assistant Professor in Science and Environmental Technology Programme, Faculty of Science and technology, Rajabhat University


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