Senior Citizens’ Opinion on Declaration of Intention to Refuse Public Health Service at Patients’ Terminal Stage of Life in Lampang Province


  • ธนิดา อินทะจักร์
  • ฉัตรสุมน พฤฒิภิญโญ
  • นิทัศน์ ศิริโชติรัตน์
  • ปิยะธิดา ขจรชัยกุล


The objective of this survey research was to study the perspective of the elderly. Who sought join in Khokha, Lampang elderly associated. There were 110 elderly people, chosen by random sampling. Questionnaires were use in data collection.

The results of the study showed that most of the elderly were female between 60-69 years old, 41.8% had primary education or below, and 30% were  agriculturists. the health status, their knowledge of declaration of intention to refuse public health service, and attitude of good death  were at moderate levels. However, the social support of declaration of intention to refuse public health service was at needed to be improved. Most elderly intended in making a Living will to declarative intention to refuse public health service at their terminal stage in life. The life sustaining methods at a terminal stage, which the elderly mostly refused, were resuscitation by endo-tracheal breathing tube or cardiac resuscitation. The elderly intended to make a Living will want to be not burdensome to their relatives, and they like to reach the final stage peacefully when their time comes. The factors related to the opinion on declaration of intention to refuse public health service were education, occupation, knowledge, and attitude. The research suggested that there should be promotion and campaign to increase knowledge and understanding among the elderly and relatives about the declaration of intention to refuse public health service at terminal stage of life patients and the elderly’s rights with health promotion programs. This campaign could be done through the use of handbooks, pamphlets notice boards, and home visits or home call.


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How to Cite

อินทะจักร์ ธ., พฤฒิภิญโญ ฉ., ศิริโชติรัตน์ น., & ขจรชัยกุล ป. (2018). Senior Citizens’ Opinion on Declaration of Intention to Refuse Public Health Service at Patients’ Terminal Stage of Life in Lampang Province. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 4(2), 163–177. Retrieved from



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