Smoke-Free Prison: Legal Considerations


  • ฉัตรสุมน พฤฒิภิญโญ


smoke-free correctional facility / prison / legal considerations


The purpose of this study is to provide a legal framework for smoke-free prisons, to protect the health of prisoners and correction officers working in correctional facilities.  This is a document review, in-depth interview and participatory observation research.

Results of the study found that inmates' health care system is supported by two sources. One source is from the medical treatment budget of the Department of Corrections, which is very limited and Insufficient for prisoners around the country.  The second source of budget is from a Universal Coverage (UC) budget.  The prevalence of smoking prisoners across the country is more than 75 percent, which destroys environment and also health of inmates.  This is an important cause of chronic diseases.  In order to create a smoke-free environment in prisons across the country, it is necessary to help prisoners to stop smoking.  Creating a smoke-free environment is one way in which prisoners can quit smoking.  In addition to the concern of the smoking prisoners’ health, it also protects the health of other non-smoking inmates.  By banning of cigarette selling in correctional facilities, it is the best way to improve smoking cessation.  Currently, there are 12 smoke-free prisons.  This research offers legal advice to smoke-free prisons, through prohibiting selling of cigarettes, to protect the health of prisoners and correctional officers working in prisons.


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How to Cite

พฤฒิภิญโญ ฉ. (2018). Smoke-Free Prison: Legal Considerations. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 4(2), 209–222. Retrieved from



Original Article