Situation Study of Alcohol Outlets and Pubs Near Universities and Changes After Law Enforcement in Bangkok and Other Provinces in Thailand


  • Sirach Lapyai


Law enforcement/ alcohol outlet


This project has examined the situation and changes of alcohol outlets/pubs near universities after law enforcement in the year 2016 in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Songkhla and Khonkaen. This project also studied student's drinking and pubs going motives and explored Facebook administered by pubs near universities and student social media engagement. This study used mixed method methodology, collected behavioural data from 2500 students through questionnaire and group interview. Field survey of 18 universities and 20 pubs near universities were done in Bangkok, ChiangMai, Songkhla and Khonkaen. Social media engagement data in selected Fanpages was recorded each week.

Result showed the density of pubs within 10 km around university was high to moderate in some areas, result showed 5 universities as high risk areas, having more than 10 pubs near university, 3 universities as low risk areas and 8 universities as moderate risk areas. Every university surveyed in this study has pubs near its institution within 10 km, excluding Srinakharinwirot University. Social media investigation showed the use of social media as alcohol marketing and promotional tool. Communication frequency during promotional periods was high at 2 posts/re-post per day averagely. Changes after law enforcement showed impact in alcohol density control, numbers of pubs near university decreased 20-50% in some areas, pubs moved out from restricted areas near educational institutions, however, some pubs still remained in restricted areas. Alcohol consumption in sample groups showed 67% of university students and 37.9% of high-school students consumed alcohol. Frequent drinking venues of young drinkers were pubs near university, homes and dormitories. Young student pub going motives were music sponsorship and proximity.


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How to Cite

Lapyai, S. (2018). Situation Study of Alcohol Outlets and Pubs Near Universities and Changes After Law Enforcement in Bangkok and Other Provinces in Thailand. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 4(3), 417–430. Retrieved from



Original Article