The synthesis of proposals for benchmarks development of Nuad Thai toward World Health Organization’s standard


  • วันวิสาข์ ศรีสุเมธชัย
  • มลินี สมภพเจริญ


Nuad Thai for health/ Nuad Thai therapy/Benchmarks for training in Nuad Thai


The purpose of this study is to provide synthesis of proposals for benchmarks development of Nuad Thai toward World Health Organization’s standard. This study is a documentary review, through internet for the position of Thai masseur globally.

Results of this study found that there were 552 certified training organizations for Nuad Thai in Thailand, accredited by Division of Health Establishment. The training programme consists of 60 hours, and 150 hours of Nuad Thai, and a curriculum on Qualified Spa Therapist.  All of training programme must be according to standard criteria for accreditation, in order for passing of Nuad Thai license exam, and Spa manager license exam for spa therapist.  In addition, the Department for Development of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand, develops Nuad Thai for Therapy, in the form of 3 types of training.  Nuad Thai type 1 consists of 400 hours, Nuad Thai type 2 and 3 consist of 1,000 hours, with standard certification by the World Health Organization.  This is part of the implementation of collaborative projects with WHO in the field of traditional medicine.  This research offer benchmarks for Nuad Thai Programme according to Ministry of Health’s standard for Nuad Thai training programme, accredited by the World Health Organization, and publication of the basic training in Thai version document as guideline for other Nuad Thai Training organizations.


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How to Cite

ศรีสุเมธชัย ว., & สมภพเจริญ ม. (2018). The synthesis of proposals for benchmarks development of Nuad Thai toward World Health Organization’s standard. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 4(3), 459–471. Retrieved from



Original Article