Decision on using self-referral health care services by cancer patients under Universal Coverage Scheme at Siriraj Hospital


  • สุรางคนา สมันเลาะห์
  • ฉัตรสุมน พฤฒิภิญโญ
  • นิทัศน์ ศิริโชติรัตน์
  • สุธี อยู่สถาพร
  • นพดล โสภารัตนาไพศาล


using self-referral health care services, cancer patients, Universal coverage


            This research objective is to compare the decision on using self-referral health care services of cancer patients under universal coverage and compare various factors that affect the decision-making process of cancer patients with universal coverage in terms of using self-referral health care services at Siriraj hospital. The sample group comprises of 213 patients. A questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection.

            The results indicated that patients who follow a regular process, their level of acknowledgement of rights to medical care is at a high level. However, their acknowledgements of rights to emergency care and in case of specific diseases are at a moderate level. Similarly, the acknowledgement of rights to medical care of patients who by-pass the process is at a high level. However, their perception of rights to emergency care and in case of specific diseases is at a low level. Furthermore, 91.2% of the participants accept and have confidence in the physicians and Siriraj Hospital. There are many factors that affect the decision-making process in using the by-pass services, which include: the acknowledgement of rights to basic healthcare; the acknowledgement of healthcare services that can be exercised under the universal coverage; and the acknowledgement of eligible healthcare providers under the universal coverage. The aforementioned factors have an influence on the decision-making process of patients with universal coverage in terms of using self-referral health care services at a significant level of 0.05. Likewise, the marital status, levels of income and expenses, public utility factors, and recent illnesses also impact the decision-making process for using self-referral health care services at a significant level of 0.05. According to the research findings, more information regarding the universal healthcare should be provided to the public in all aspects in order to resolve the self-referral health care services issues of cancer patients.


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How to Cite

สมันเลาะห์ ส., พฤฒิภิญโญ ฉ., ศิริโชติรัตน์ น., อยู่สถาพร ส., & โสภารัตนาไพศาล น. (2018). Decision on using self-referral health care services by cancer patients under Universal Coverage Scheme at Siriraj Hospital. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 3(1), 31–45. Retrieved from



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