Relation of Perception and the Influence of Media Affect to Behavior Modification Change Smoking of Youth at Vocational Level in the Three Southernmost Provinces


  • อัศว์ศิริ ลาปีอี
  • อดิศร ศักดิ์สูง
  • ภาณุ ธรรมสุวรรณ
  • สุปรีญา นุ่นเกลี้ยง
  • ฮัซซัน ยูนุ
  • สุจิตรา ไชยชนะ


Perception and the Influence of Media, Behavior Smoking of Youth, Vocational Level in the Three Southernmost Provinces


This research aimed to study the level of perception about the harm of cigarettes and influence of media affect to behavior modification change smoking of youth at vocational level in the three southernmost provinces and separately data above mentioned, used in two periods; (1) study was descriptive research using questionnaires to collect data using purposive sampling with 378 samples toward behavior change for smoking of youth in the three southernmost provinces. (2) a study was experimental research by in-depth exploration for confirm information from data collection of phase (1) for coherent to behavior modification change smoking of Smoker with 298 samples.

The findings revealed that; The level of perception about the harm of cigarettes of media affect from campaign for no smoke was moderate (xˉ= 3.43), with perception about the harm of cigarettes and influence of media affect from campaign for no smoke by sticker have the highest average (xˉ= 3.44) the second is perception by Voice line spot (xˉ= 3.43) and the plastic labels have the least average (xˉ= 3.42) were respectively. While the predisposing factors, enabling factors and reinforcing factors were significant correlation with perception and influence of media at 0.05 level. Meanwhile, contextual reflection of behavior changed to smoking of youth to smoker, finding that received media affect from campaign for no smoke such as sticker, plastic label and voice line spot were 16 samples (5.37%). However, the way of involved should have preventive measures about behavior smoking of youth at vocational level increase interesting and diversity of another media format, including to the activities from campaign for no smoke in place of education brings about to create awareness of no smoking, support campaign, and asking for collaboration and more strict law enforcement about not to sell the cigarettes according to the Tobacco Product Control Act of B.E. 2560.


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How to Cite

ลาปีอี อ., ศักดิ์สูง อ., ธรรมสุวรรณ ภ., นุ่นเกลี้ยง ส., ยูนุ ฮ., & ไชยชนะ ส. (2017). Relation of Perception and the Influence of Media Affect to Behavior Modification Change Smoking of Youth at Vocational Level in the Three Southernmost Provinces. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 3(3), 321–341. Retrieved from



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