Problems on Legal Implementation of the Domestic Violence Act B.E. 2550 by Inquiry Officials


  • นาฏสุดา เอโกบล


Problems on legal implementation of the Domestic Violence Act B.E. 2550, investigative official


        This is a survey research, with the objective to study problems on legal implementation of the Domestic Violence Act B.E. 2550, by investigative officials. Sample groups were 258 investigative officials in Bangkok Metropolitan area, by simple random sampling. Data collection was made by completing questionnaire. Data s was analyses for frequency, percentage, and using Chi square statistics and Pearson’s co-efficient correlations.

       Research result indicated that problems of legal implementation of the Domestic Violence Act B.E. 2550, by investigation officials were at high level for 76.74 per cent. Investigative officials who had high level of knowledge, 62.8 per cent. Investigative officials who had association with the Domestic Violence Act B.E. 2550, 82.56 per cent. General characteristics, on genders and training for knowledge, had association with problems on legal implementation of the Domestic Violence Act B.E. 2550. Marital status did not have association with problems on legal implementation of the Domestic Violence Act B.E. 2550. Knowledge of investigative officials had negative association with problems on legal implementation of the Domestic Violence Act B.E. 2550 and had low level of association (r=  - 0.278, p-value <0.05). The attitude of investigative officials had negative relationship with problems on legal implementation of the Domestic Violence Act B.E. 2550 and had high level of association (r=  - 0.723, p-value <0.01).

       From the result of this research, there are recommendations for related working units to improve criteria, procedure, prescribing roles and duties of each party clearly and in a practical way, so that it can be conducted in reality. Good attitude should be build/transformed in investigative officials together with training. Investigative officials should go through training course to gain knowledge and understanding in legal proceedings relating to offence on domestic violence systematically. There should be sufficient personnel, and arrangement of female personnel to do this kind of work specifically.


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How to Cite

เอโกบล น. (2015). Problems on Legal Implementation of the Domestic Violence Act B.E. 2550 by Inquiry Officials. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 1(1), 14–26. Retrieved from



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