Factors That Influence Protection of Children by NGOS From Undesirable Media through Internet


  • วรลักษณ์ จงเลิศมนตรี


children’s protection, undesirable media on internet, children’s protection collaboration


The object of this research was to survey factors that influence children’s protection from undesirable media according to personnel of non-governmental organizations (NGOS). Data were collected, then analyzed using descriptive statistics and analytical statistics such as Chi-square, Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient, and multiple regression to determine the significance of survey results.

This research found that NGOS in collaboration with governmental agencies are most effective in protecting children from exploitation from undesirable media, having an average score of 3.86.  NGOS and governmental agencies have the least collaboration on policy of children’s protection with an average score of 3.67.  Personnel in the survey are reasonably knowledgeable (57.8%) about laws protecting children from undesirable media through the internet.  Most of the surveyed subjects (97.2%) answered correctly to questions related to the children’s protection bill of B.E.2546.  The majority indicated that the most important project in children’s protection is the prevention of children’s sexual exploitation from the internet, having an average score of 4.69.  The collaboration factor between NGOS and governmental agencies and knowledge of the laws factor had relationship and influence on the effectiveness of protecting children from undesirable media through the internet, which could explain predictive power of 38.1%. These results suggest that there should be a greater collaboration between private foundations and governmental agencies and personnel should be encouraged to know the law protecting children from undesirable media on internet.


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How to Cite

จงเลิศมนตรี ว. (2015). Factors That Influence Protection of Children by NGOS From Undesirable Media through Internet. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 1(2), 105–117. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal_law/article/view/161783



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