Comparative Factors for Determining Health Service Damages for Health Care Province


  • พาฝัน แก้วเทศ


Health care providers, paying of assistance money/damage from health service


            This research is a survey research by using secondary data. This research has the purpose to consider the sub-committee’s decision and the amount of money to be paid to the health care provider suffered from health services, using sample group of the health care provider from October 2008 to September 2012, and using population interval estimation method.

            There were 344 people in the sample group, which included 253 health care provider suffered from damage coming from the tuberculosis infection, and 91 health care providers stabbed by needles and sharp cutting instruments, using the sampling methods that may be divided into two levels – through making comparative analysis of t-test statistics and ANOVA and using the Schaffer methodology and making qualitative analysis referring to research tools created and examined by the academic adviser and the experts.

            The research’s results found that the degree of damage in case of tuberculosis infection and n case of stabbing by needle and sharp cutting instruments used to HIV patient was associated with HIV infection and the duration of the damage and the amount of money assistance fund for health care provider suffered from health services, that there is significant differences in case of stabbing by needle and sharp cutting instruments used, it was associated with HIV infection, that there is no significant difference. Job characteristics being used to HIV infection and to the case of stabbing by needle and sharp cutting instruments were associated with HIV infection, that there is no significant difference.

            Concerning research’s qualitative data analysis found that spatial analysis showed significant differences. But the sub-committee’s decision or consideration concerned mainly an appeal the financial support from the state.


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How to Cite

แก้วเทศ พ. (2015). Comparative Factors for Determining Health Service Damages for Health Care Province. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 1(3), 183–195. Retrieved from



Original Article