Associating Factors with Basic Compensation for Injuries from Health Services


  • ธิดารัตน์ ขาวเงินยวง


Patient; basic compensation for injuries; no fault liability fund


This research is  a descriptive  research  by  using  secondary data.  This  research’s purpose is  to  find associating  factors  with  basic  compensation consideration for  injuries  from  health  services.  Sample  group  used  in  this  study  included  patients  who  suffered  damage health services,  collected  and  recorded  at  National  Health  Security  Office  from  October 2011  to  September 2012. There   were 208 persons in  the  sample  group. The data was  analyzed  using  descriptive  statistics  and  analytical  statistics  such  as  Chi-square  and  Fisher’s  Exact  Test.

Research’s results found that most patients were female (62 percent). The applicants were mostly female (68.3 percent).  Applicant’s relatives were mainly parents, 38.9 percent.  Information believed to have caused damage indicated to the type of service unit of community hospital the most. Community hospitals is the health service unit utilized the most, (48.6 percent of patients); in-patient unit is the most indicated department 95.7 per cent; department which was utilized most is obstetric (37.5 percent).  The direct cause of the most damage caused by unavoidable (77.9 percent); individual who provides directly related to damage the most was doctors (53.4 percent).  Factors related to compensation for damage was degree of damaged (severity of damage) and the duration of the damage.

From  the  research  findings, there should be a guideline formulated from type of damage factors (continuous  injury, loss of  organ, loss of life and permanent disability and the time the victim suffered  damage),  it  also  is  suggested  that  there  should  be  a  law  formulate  to set  up  funding  to compensate for  the medically injured  without  the  need  to  prove  liability  to be practiced  in  Thailand. And as a tool to help resolve the conflict between physician and patient, in order to prevent malpractice lawsuit against physicians.


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How to Cite

ขาวเงินยวง ธ. (2015). Associating Factors with Basic Compensation for Injuries from Health Services. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 1(3), 196–207. Retrieved from



Original Article