Evaluation of Food Canteen According to Local Administration Regulation Compliance : A case study in Ratchaburi Minicipality


  • เมธี ชุ่มศิริ


Evaluation, apprehensive, municipal law, canteen


The objective of this survey research was to evaluate administration regulation using local compliances. The compliances include apprehension, knowledge, and practices of entrepreneurs. The scope of the entrepreneurs were stated in the Public Health Act, B.E. 2535 and defined in the Ratchaburi municipal laws, the regulation for private food canteens and storage B.E. 2542. The survey technique was purposive sampling. The research population was 97 samples out of a total of 123 defined sources. Data collection includes rating scale questionnaires and observation methods. This research selected descriptive statistics and analyzed data by frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation.

The result shows that canteen entrepreneurs were mostly female, 68.3%, and aged between 30-49 years old, 54.9%. The operational periods were mostly 1-5 years, 43.9%. The educational background of the entrepreneurs was mostly high school, 42.7%. Based on the public health laws and the Ratchaburi municipal laws, the apprehension score of food sanitation was medium, the knowledge score about laws was small, however the sanitation practice score was high. The suggested improvement was in that none of the entrepreneurs demonstrate their permit publicly.

The summary of this research is that the entrepreneurs who acknowledge and are knowledgeable about the public health laws and Ratchaburi municipal laws are medium to small. The level of practice was high only in terms of sanitation, whereas the practice in term of laws was disobedient. This research suggested that the local officials of Ratchaburi municipality should publicize the regulation control and regularly survey the canteens. In order to create awareness in the entrepreneurs to acknowledge laws and build a classification criteria to demonstrate their permits. Hence the customers can easily check the permits, which leads to an upgrading of the entrepreneurs knowledge and a higher efficiency in law enforcement.


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How to Cite

ชุ่มศิริ เ. (2015). Evaluation of Food Canteen According to Local Administration Regulation Compliance : A case study in Ratchaburi Minicipality. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 2(3), 329–341. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal_law/article/view/162525



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