Mental disorder in criminal law: terminology, definitions and interpretations


  • Sorawut Kasemsuk
  • Wanwipa Muangtham


mental disorders, insanity, mental illness, mental retardation, criminal law


This research aimed to study vocabulary and meanings in society, law and medicine related to mental disorders, to study the terminology, definitions and legal interpretations of mental disorders in Thai and foreign law, to propose guidelines for the use of terminology, definitions, and legal interpretations of mental disorders in criminal law. Moreover, this research aims to propose guidelines to amend the Criminal Code in relation to mental disorders.

The method of this study was a qualitative research and a documentary research by analyzing the documents from provisions of law, court judgments, textbooks, books, scholarly documents, research papers and others related information.

The research found that the key words in Thai criminal law related to mental disorders include “Wikoncharit” or "Insanity" means incomplete legal capacity due to mental disorders. "Rokchit" refers to the psychosis symptom in psychiatry, " Chit Bokphrong” refers to mental disorders caused by neurological disorders and " Chit Fanfuean " refers to other mental disorders other than the two types above. The definition of the mental disorder in the Thai criminal law refers to the defective or incomplete ability in conscience or self-control due to mental disorders. The criminal law defines mental disorder based on social beliefs, evidence, and legal reasons. This research suggests that the criminal law should use the only one legal term to refer to all mental disorders. The definition of mental disorder in the Thai criminal law should be used in accordance with the Mental Health Act, B.E. 2551 but should not include substance-related disorder.


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How to Cite

Kasemsuk, S. ., & Muangtham, W. . (2019). Mental disorder in criminal law: terminology, definitions and interpretations. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 5(1), 41–55. Retrieved from



Original Article