Association of law enforcement measures and youth alcohol drinking: Data from Smoking and Alcohol Drinking Behavior Survey Project, National Statistical Office, a case study of Bangkok Metropolitan area
law enforcement measures, youth and alcohol, alcohol drinkingAbstract
This research aimed to study the association of alcohol control enforcement and youth alcohol drinking frequency, a case study for Bangkok Metropolitan Area in 2017. Secondary data of youth aged 19 or younger, from Smoking and Alcohol Drinking Behaviour Survey, National Statistical Office, was analyzed. Statistics used in data analysis included descriptive statistics, percentage, Pearson correlation, and Ordinal regression.
Results indicated that 86.2 percent of young people never drink alcohol in their lives. Drinking increased as they became older, with more expenses for alcoholic beverages respectively. Results of hierarchical regression test showed that the frequency of drinking in the past 30 days of youth in Bangkok, had 3 thresholds of drinking: ever drink but not during the past 30 days, drinking every other day, and drinking 1-2 days per week. Frequencies of youth drinking during the past 30 days had the coefficients of various factors as followed: age factor ( 0.396), male (1.690), seeing or hearing alcohol advertising (0.127), regularly ever drink before or while driving a car or motorcycle (2.221), drinking while driving sometimes (0.802), never drink while driving (0.421), buying alcohol during the time not allowed by the law (alcohol can be sold from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm, and 5:00 - 12:00 pm) during the past 12 months before the interview date ( -0.572)
Recommendations for controlling youths’ alcohol consumption are to implement European and the United States’ enforcement as discussed. Using law enforcement tools, especially by using those who have youthful faces to buy alcoholic beverages in grocery stores, where most young people frequent the places. Also, specifying the time of selling and strictly enforcing laws. Strictly enforcing measures to sell alcoholic beverages, permits, and minimum legal drinking age. Alcohol level check points for drunk driving, such as in this survey, which 100% of young people who were drivers, had never received an alcohol test at all. Moreover, legal measures for advertisement of alcoholic beverages must be enforced strictly, to prevent sales promotion.
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