Effect of an Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program to Fulfill the Prevention and Solution of the Adolescent Pregnancy Problem Act, B.E. 2559 (2016)


  • Phasit Sirited
  • Boonta Klinmalee
  • Thitiphorn Suwanampa
  • Tithat Srimongkol


Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program, Adolescent, Prevention and Solution of the Adolescent Pregnancy Problem Act, B.E. 2559 (2016)


This is a quasi-experimental study meant to examine the results of an adolescent pregnancy prevention program for female teenagers by applying concepts of life skills and gender roles through a process of participatory learning. The samples of this study were 60 female students who are studying Matthayom 1 in academic year 2018 in Phra Nakorn Si-Ayutthaya district, Phra Nakorn Si-Ayutthaya. There were 2 groups in this study and each group had 30 students. The experimental group in Pratuchai School received the adolescent pregnancy prevention program 3 times in the classroom, and the comparison group in Wat Phra Yatikaram had a normal lesson in the classroom. The trial between December 21, 2019 to January 25, 2019. The data were collected from questionnaires and analyzed by using percentages, means, standard deviations, an independent t-test and a paired t-test.

          The results found that after the experiment, the average score of knowledge about pregnancy prevention, attitude towards gender roles, and life skills of adolescent pregnancy prevention in the experimental group was significantly higher than the comparison group and those before the experimentation with a difference of (p < 0.001).

          From the results of the study, it has been found that the female adolescent pregnancy prevention program, which has applied the concept of life skills and gender roles in the lesson plan activity through a participatory learning process, is better than the normal lesson activity. The government or private sector could use this data to arrange training programs in their sector in order to provide knowledge and information to adolescents, or this program could be integrated into the health of youth’s gender development to fulfill the Prevention and Solution of the Adolescent Pregnancy Problem Act, B.E. 2559 (2016) in the future.


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How to Cite

Sirited, P., Klinmalee, B. ., Suwanampa, T. ., & Srimongkol, T. . (2019). Effect of an Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program to Fulfill the Prevention and Solution of the Adolescent Pregnancy Problem Act, B.E. 2559 (2016). Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 5(2), 165–177. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal_law/article/view/204770



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