The Compensation Mechanism of Adverse Event in Thai Healthcare
medical error, medical malpractice, medical adverse event, no-fault compensation in healthcare, healthcare compensation mechanismAbstract
This research uses mixed method. The objectives were to gather the detection suffering of Thai’ people who have been damaged by using the healthcare services in the public and private sectors; to analyze the basic compensation mechanism, including the criteria and procedures of the mechanism; to study the scope of compensation for damages from the healthcare services; to study the potential of the source of money in the mechanism; and to suggest a draft policy and law on compensation for damage from healthcare services in Thailand.
Results found that the healthcare service providers avoided clarifying the circumstances and causes of damage to the injured person or relatives. Approval of the amount of compensation was delayed and did not comply with the conditions. Lack of compensation to remedy the impact on the victims' families after the accident. Most health staff did not understand the concepts, methods and procedures for compensation mechanism of the damages. The victims lack knowledge and understanding of compensation mechanisms. Medical records were difficult for accessibility were and modified, destroyed or concealed. Recommendations: 1) Philosophy, concepts, objectives for no-fault compensation mechanisms should be implemented by the administration. 2) Scope of enforcement should cover all types of public health services 3) Organization and authority should be a government agency with an independence body 4) The source of funds should come from many sectors of society, 5) the criteria for payment should pay to cover damages caused by complications and from the healthcare service system faults 6) the scope of payment should be paid according to the type of damage 7) the process for consideration should be submitted in writing to the provincial level offices in every province or at the district level. The request must be considered promptly 8) The right to judicial system should not be deprived 9) There should be measures to develop patients’ safety system. 10) Measures to supplement the drafted policy and law of the mechanism (before reaching judicial system), should have an arbitration system to mediate the damages.
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