Factor related to dengue hemorrhagic fever preventive behavior and control among personnel and student at the University of Phayao


  • Narong - Chaitiang คณะเเพทยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยพะเยา
  • Duangcheewan Thipsuwan
  • Nuttapreeya Sabuathong
  • Darapim Junkoed
  • Chonlada Palee
  • Suwimon Kaewrakmuk
  • Siriporn Panroop
  • Narong Chaitiang
  • Sorawit Boonyathee


Prevention behavior / Dengue fever / Personnel at University of Phayao


This cross-sectional descriptive research. study aimed to investigate factors related to dengue hemorrhagic fever preventive behavior and control; to study prevention and control behavior of dengue fever; and to study prevention measures and control for dengue fever, among 380 personnel and students at the University of Phayao. Stratified sampling data was used.  Questionnaire was a tool for data collection.  Data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi-square and Fisher’s Exact test.

The results showed that majority were female (59.5%) less than 20 years old, 53.7% had high level of knowledge, 71.6% had moderate level of perception, and 56.3% had moderate level of attitude, 68.2% had high level of protection principles, 69.5% had moderate level of preventive behaviors. Correlation analysis indicated that there were correlation of prevention measures and preventive and control behaviours of dengue fever, with stratified significance at p-value of 0.001.  Gender, perception, attitude and prevention principles has correlation with prevention and control of dengue fever with statistical significance at p-value of 0.05.  This study suggest that the personnel involved in the University of Phayao, should set up control measures to prevent dengue fever from occurring within the University of Phayao.   Related public health agencies, especially the sub-district health promotion hospitals that are within the area the University of Phayao, should provide knowledge and educate personnel and students at the University of Phayao.


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How to Cite

Chaitiang, N. .-., Thipsuwan, D. ., Sabuathong, N. ., Junkoed, D. ., Palee, C. ., Kaewrakmuk, S., Panroop, S. ., Chaitiang, N. . ., & Boonyathee, S. . (2020). Factor related to dengue hemorrhagic fever preventive behavior and control among personnel and student at the University of Phayao. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 6(2), 265–278. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal_law/article/view/217867



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