The Quality perception and satisfaction towards annual health check-up service by Medical Center and University Hospital of personnel in University of the North.


  • Chinnakorn Yuenyao
  • Ketsiree Kaewdang
  • Charinrat Nonsri
  • Nittaya Sanomcham
  • Pornthippawan Tayja
  • Mintra berkban
  • Rungboonsri Klinklom
  • Narong Chaitiang
  • Arathai Kadkhaow


Perception, Satisfaction, Provider of health check-up


The objective of this study was to examine the level of quality perception and satisfaction towards annual health check-up service by a medical center and a university hospital, among personnel in a university of northern Thailand.  Samples size of 250 was included in this research, and the instrument used in this study was a questionnaire. Data analysis were percentage, mean, chi-square and Fisher’s Exact Test.

The results showed that most of the personnel were 147 females (58.8%), 120 persons age between 31-40 years old, Behavior before getting a health check-up was at a high level (40.0%), perception of health check-up was at a high level (27.8%) and satisfaction of health check-up service was at a high level (55.7%). Correlation analysis, indicated that sex and behavior before getting a health check-up had correlation with the satisfaction on health check-up service with statistical significant at 0.001 level. Staff of Faculty, staffs, income, and perception of health check-up, had correlation with satisfaction of health check-up service with statistical significant at 0.05 level. Age, marital status, education level, and frequencies of getting health check-up, do not have any correlation with satisfaction of health check-up service.

Factors associated with satisfaction of annual health check-up service are sex, faculty personnel, income, behavior before getting a health check-up, and perception of health check-up.  Therefore, provider of annual health check-up should consider the effectiveness of service for the needs of those receiving health check-up service system.


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How to Cite

Yuenyao, C. ., Kaewdang, K., Nonsri, C. ., Sanomcham, N. ., Tayja, P. ., berkban, M. ., Klinklom, R., Chaitiang, N. ., & Kadkhaow, A. . (2020). The Quality perception and satisfaction towards annual health check-up service by Medical Center and University Hospital of personnel in University of the North. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 6(2), 293–306. Retrieved from



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