The government mechanism regulations involving farmers protection in the contract farming regime of livestock in Thailand


  • Chumphon Nakarin Chaiyaphum Provincial Livestock Office 167/14 Ongkarnborriharnsuanchangwad sai 1 Road Muang District Chaiyaphum 36000
  • Lawan Thanadsillapakul


Contract farming, Farmer protection, State protocol


The objectives of the qualitative research paper aim to study the problem of unfairness, and investigate a legal measures by using state protocol for protect livestock farmers under contract farming regime; By analyze comparing domestic information with international laws ; To seek solutions that can solve unfairness in doing contract farming regime of farmer in Thailand
As a result, Although the contract farming regime is the Food production process that is controlled as food safety concerning for costumer to have good health and seems to be price insurance for farmers, and unfair problems remained between partners of the contract. To cope with these issues, the government had passed legislation on the Contract Farming Promotion and Development Act in 2560, which declares that entrepreneurs in the regime must register, prepare a prospectus and a draft agreement, and reveal all-important internal information from companies to farmers. So, they can carefully consider documents before signing of the contract. Making a contract must be completed following the law and regulations. Nonetheless, if agricultural business operators do not follow the mentioned processes, They are settled. In essence, compromising should be done before referring the dispute to arbitration or the court. On the other hand, another alternative method is possibly done through a political aspect of Contract farming Committee and National agriculture parliament offering contract farming development plan about contract farming and reporting problems of farmers to the Council of Ministers who can assign the state agencies to resolve those problems. Upon the comparative analysis used legal measures in Thailand are partially similar to international laws. However, the act typically protects only the individual farmers and the government officer does not have authorities to enforce the law. That is why unfair problems have been found even though the act has been manipulated. Therefore, the act should be edited the definition of individual Farmers to become corporate and assign local officers in the department of livestock, Fishery and agriculture as competent officers who can control as well as locally manipulate law enforcement


ข้อมูลจากกระบวนการกลุ่มจากเกษตรกรผู้เลี้ยงไก่เนื้อ เมื่อวันที่ 22 มีนาคม 2558 ณ ห้องประชุมสำนักงานปศุสัตว์จังหวัดชัยภูมิ

ข้อมูลจากกระบวนการกลุ่มจากเกษตรกรผู้เลี้ยงไก่เนื้อ เป็ดเนื้อ ไก่ไข่ สุกร โคเนื้อ โคนม เมื่อวันที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ 2559 ณ ห้องประชุมสำนักงานปศุสัตว์จังหวัดชัยภูมิ

เขมชาติ ตนบุญ (2558 )คนเลี้ยงไก่ในระบบเกษตรพันธสัญญา., วิทยานิพนธ์ปริญญานิติศาสตร์ มหาบัณฑิต มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่

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วิทยากร สุวรรณเรืองศรี วิสูตร ตุวยานนท์ และกัลยาฒัณศิริ(2556)ปัญหากฏหมายในการทำเกษตรแบบพันธสัญญา(Contract Farming)ในประเทศไทย :การประชุมเสนอผลงานวิจัยระดับบัณฑิตศึกษามสธ ครั้งที่ 3

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How to Cite

Nakarin, C. ., & Thanadsillapakul, L. . . (2020). The government mechanism regulations involving farmers protection in the contract farming regime of livestock in Thailand. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 6(2), 345–364. Retrieved from



Original Article