Violation of tobacco advertising and promotion law according to Tobacco Product Control Law


  • Phatthararat Tettanom Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University


Violation of tobacco advertising and promotion law, Social media platforms, Tobacco advertising and promotion


This research aimed to analyze the violation of tobacco advertising and promotion law, according to tobacco product control law, with qualitative analysis on secondary data from survey of tobacco advertising and promotions on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

Results indicated that majority of online shops (up to 91 shops) sold tobacco products such as electronic cigarettes and electronic Baraku, by using product strategy 100%.  Online shops were clearly in violation of tobacco advertising and promotion law, according to tobacco product control law.  They were using marketing strategy on sales promotion by giving away extra products, and using price strategy to attract potential customers by lowering prices of the products.  Many sold tobacco products did not have graphic health warning pictures, and imported products had misleading words or messages.  Imported cigarettes with less than 20 sticks per pack were available.  Moreover, illegal products such as electronic cigarettes and electronic Baraku, including equipment and reagent or e-liquid, were imported into the Kingdom as well.

Recommendations are, effective implementation of tobacco control law should be practiced; advocating of control policy on indirect advertising and sale promotion, by tobacco industry, in every social media platform; and heavy penalty for violators should be reinforced.


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How to Cite

Tettanom, P. (2020). Violation of tobacco advertising and promotion law according to Tobacco Product Control Law. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 6(Supplement), S15-S32. Retrieved from



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