Nursing Professional’s Work-Life Balance in an Autonomous University Hospital


  • Pohnpan Pitaksa mahidol
  • Nithat Sirichotiratana
  • Kittipichai Wirin
  • Duangbubpha Sumonchat


work-life balance, nursing professional, autonomous university hospital


Nursing professional’s quality of life and work-life balance is an important issue at present, since it may be an important cause of nursing professional shortage. This study’s objectives were: (1) To explain the level of nursing professional’s work-life balance; (2) To explain the relationship between the following factors, demographic, social, occupational, and nursing professional’s work-life balance; and (3) To determine factors predicting nursing professional’s work-life balance, in an autonomous university hospital.

This study was a survey research, employing self-administered questionnaire as a data collection instrument, for the sample of 342 nurses.  Data analysis used in this study were as followed: descriptive analysis such as percentage, frequency, average and standard deviation; inferential statistics such as Pearson’s Correlation and Multiple Regression.

Results indicated that more than half of nursing professional in an autonomous university hospital (sample) had a medium level of work-life balance (56.4 %). There were association between social factor (family support), occupational factors (colleagues’ support, strain and work load) and work-life balance.  Social factor (family support) and occupational factors (colleague support, and strain) were the factors predicting work-life balance, for 43.7%.


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How to Cite

Pitaksa, P., Sirichotiratana, N., Wirin , K., & Sumonchat , D. (2020). Nursing Professional’s Work-Life Balance in an Autonomous University Hospital. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 6(Supplement), S83-S93. Retrieved from



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